Showing 676 to 690 of 948 results
Inside our latest #myhcpcstandards webinars
Why you should get involved and sign up to our latest webinar series.
Using social media wisely
Tips and advice for registrants on how to use social media wisely.
If we need further information
Our assessors may request further information from you regarding your application
Failure to conduct a full / accurate assessment
Case study: An employer raised concerns about a psychologist who did not report a service user’s suicidal thoughts to their supervisor or any other professionals. This was despite it happening repeatedly and after recording a case note.
Standards in practice: how to report concerns about safety
Taking action when you have concerns is an important part of professional practice, but sometimes it’s difficult to know how to raise concerns appropriately.
Working with professional bodies in education
Professional bodies play an important and complimentary role to our own regulatory role within education quality assurance and enhancement.
If you are out of practice, but still registered with us
If you have been out of practice for more than two years, you are considered 'returning to practice', during your renewal
COVID-19 advice for students
We have opened a temporary register for final year students who have completed their placement learning
Higher and Degree apprenticeships
Information to help education providers meet our regulatory requirements when setting up Degree Apprenticeships