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Showing 526 to 540 of 1058 results

Rhoi gwybod am bryderon neu wybodaeth am ddarparwr neu raglen

Beth i’w wneud os oes gennych chi bryderon am raglen neu ddarparwr addysg cymeradwy

Cysylltwch â ni

Sut mae cysylltu â ni

Cyflawni ein safonau

Canllawiau a deunyddiau dysgu ynghylch rhoi ein safonau ar waith a chefnogi proffesiynoldeb


Er mwyn parhau i fod wedi cofrestru gyda ni, mae'n rhaid i unigolion cofrestredig barhau i gyrraedd y safonau a bennwyd gennym ar gyfer pob proffesiwn. Defnyddir y safonau hyn i benderfynu ar 'addasrwydd i ymarfer' cofrestreion.


Popeth y mae angen ichi ei wybod am ymuno, adnewyddu a gadael Cofrestr y Cyngor Proffesiynau Iechyd a Gofal

Proficiency mapping documents

Best practice guidance about mapping, including common pitfalls and tips to make your submission easier to understand


The Chair is responsible for leading the Council, and for ensuring that it successfully discharges its responsibilities

Welsh language standards

How we deliver services to Welsh speaking members of the public
