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#myHCPCstandards: Getting it right when things go wrong

A registrant-focused webinar exploring the revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics.


Monday 16 September, 2024



Online, via Microsoft Teams

#myHCPCstandards is a programme of online and in-person learning sessions that support HCPC-registered professionals with meeting the standards.

In this 45-minute webinar, we'll introduce the revisions that have been made to the HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics, focusing on the duty of candour and how it relates to your practice. 

This is one of two webinars on the same topic, covering the same information at different times. 

By the end of the session, we aim to have improved your knowledge and understanding of: 

  • The standards relating to the duty of candour 
  • What can affect candour in everyday practice 
  • What skills are required to fulfil the duty of candour in clinical practice, including the requirement to apologise 
  • How to speak up and raise concerns

You can read the revised standards and the changes around duty of candour now. The revisions come into effect on 1 September 2024.

You can submit questions ahead of the webinar in the signup form.

Register now


Resources, recording and certificates

This webinar will be recorded and the recording will be published here after the session. 

Attendees for this event will receive a post-event email that includes a recording of the event and the presentation slides. 

Attendance at this webinar can count as part of your continuing professional development (CPD), but please note that there will not be attendance certificates for the event. We do not make certificates mandatory in your CPD profile. 

Other webinars in this series 

#myHCPCstandards: Introducing the revised standards and exploring your scope of practice
13:00-13:45, 15 May 2024
16:00-16:45, 10 June 2024

#myHCPCstandards: Getting it right when things go wrong
13:00-13:45, 29 May 2024

16:00-16:45, 16 September 2024

#myHCPCstandards: ‘Send to all!’ Challenges and opportunities of social media
13:00-13:45, 25 June 2024
16:00-16:45, 26 September 2024

We will also be running in-person workshops exploring what the standards say about challenging discrimination and professional boundaries. Places are not yet available. Details will be uploaded to

Do you employ or manage a team of HCPC-registered professionals?

We have a webinar especially for you. It’s designed to help you understand the revisions that have been made to the standards of conduct, performance and ethics, and the ways you can ensure your employees can embed them.

Read more and register

About the revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics 

The HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics have been revised, and come into effect on 1 September 2024. You can now access:  


Share your thoughts using #myHCPCstandards 

We encourage you to share your thoughts and reflections, during the webinar by posting with the hashtag #myHCPCstandards. You can also follow #myHCPCstandards on X/Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to see information from the webinars and news about all the HCPC standards.  


Register now
