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Respect confidentiality

As a student you should:

  • keep information about service users and carers confidential, and only use it for the purpose for which it was given. 
  • follow policies or guidelines on confidentiality produced by your education provider or practice placement provider. 
  • remove anything that could be used to identify a service user or carer from information which you use in your assessments or other academic work related to your programme. 
  • if any confidential information raises concerns about the safety or wellbeing of someone, you should discuss this promptly with an appropriate member of staff at your education provider or practice placement provider. 


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What the standard says:

  • Defnyddio gwybodaeth

    5.1 Rhaid i chi drin gwybodaeth am ddefnyddwyr gwasanaeth yn gyfrinachol.

    Datgelu gwybodaeth

    5.2 Rhaid ichi ddatgelu gwybodaeth gyfrinachol dim ond os:

    – bod gennych ganiatâd;
    – mae'r gyfraith yn caniatáu hyn;
    – ei fod er lles gorau'r defnyddiwr gwasanaeth; neu
    – ei fod er budd y cyhoedd, megis os yw'n angenrheidiol i ddiogelu diogelwch y cyhoedd neu atal niwed i bobl eraill.

Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 31/08/2024