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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

Yn dangos 736 i 750 o 944 canlyniadau

Updating your knowledge and skills

If you have not practised for two years or more, you must complete either 30 or 60 days of updating (depending on how long you have been out of practice)

Council members

Biographies of our Council members, including a register of their private interests

Council and committee roles

Find our current exciting opportunities to join our Council or Committees.

Registered professionals

We can only consider concerns about a professional who is registered with us and their fitness to practise effectively

Attending meetings

Council, committee and public liaison group meetings are public so anyone can attend

Character declaration investigations process

Information on how we consider character declarations and establish whether individuals can practise safely and effectively.

Working with us

We will notify you, your chief executive or director of human resources if we commence a fitness to practise investigation about your employee
