Yn dangos 346 i 360 o 944 canlyniadau
Equality, diversity and inclusion
We have significantly expanded the role of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), placing specific importance on making sure that practice is inclusive for all service users. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions.
Registrants’ mental health
We have emphasised the importance of registrants looking after their own mental health and seeking help where necessary as a part of maintaining their fitness to practise. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions.
Using our standards to support employee development
You will want to support your employees to meet their professional requirements
Standards for prescribing
Our expectations of education providers delivering training in prescribing and of professionals on our Register who prescribe
Inappropriate relationship with patient
Case study: A psychologist’s employer raised concerns that the registrant had taken a service user on a trip involving an overnight stay in a shared hotel room, bought the service user alcohol and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol in the presence of the service user.
Keeping up-to-date with government COVID-19 advice
We are encouraging regisitrants to keep up-to-date with all information and guidance
Data policy and terms
HCPC's data policy, including details about the information we hold about registrants, plus the terms and conditions for our website
Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
Responsible for advising the Council on the appointment of internal and external auditors, approving the audit plans for internal and external audit and receiving progress reports on audit work
We have emphasised the role and importance of leadership at all levels of practice. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions.
Digital skills and new technologies
We have emphasised the need to be able to keep up to date with digital skills and new technologies. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions.
Reducing Misogyny, Improving Sexual Safety and Establishing a ‘New Normal’
Bron Biddle of the AACE looks at some of the positive work done to reduce misogyny and improve sexual safety, as well as the background to why it is so sorely needed.
How to make a declaration
A closer look at the three instances in which you would provide health and character information to the HCPC, and the different ways of supplying it for each.
HCPC Diversity Data 2021 factsheets
Our factsheets provides the key EDI information by profession and how the demographics of each group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall
Reviewing our approach
Those on the COVID-19 Temporary Register have until 2 October 2023 to complete and submit a declaration form to be able to remain on the COVID-19 Temporary Register until the 31 March 2024.