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Fact sheets

These fact sheets provide more information and guidance to support you through the different parts of the FTP process. 

Swiss Mutual Recognition (SMR) applications

Applicants who trained outside the UK and are eligible for SMR must apply through this route, rather than an 'international' application

What happens after making a declaration?

About the investigation process, which begins after a declaration is made. 

Misuse of title

Anyone not on our Register who uses a designated title may be breaking the law and could be prosecuted

New HCPC Council Apprentices appointed, as scheme enters fourth year

I am delighted to announce the appointment of our two new HCPC Council Apprentices, Geraldine Kinkead-Richards and Jordan McKenna. 

Legal Assessor

Legal Assessors are legally qualified and provide advice to panels of the HCPC’s statutory committees and Council on questions of law

Reflecting on my experience as a HCPC Council member

As Sue Gallone comes to the end of my eight-year term as a HCPC Council member, she reflects on her experiences and the changes that have taken place at HCPC.

Fitness to practise data 2019-20

Key facts and figures of our work in protecting the public and promoting professionalism

Other regulators

We work closely with the other UK health regulators to share best practice

Standards relevant to education and training

The standards against which we assess education and training programmes
