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Dishonesty by falsifying time sheet and travel expense claims

Our case studies are based on real life fitness to practise concerns we have received

Type of concern:  Dishonesty by falsifying time sheet and travel expense claims

Profession: Physiotherapist


When these events happened, previous versions of the standards were in place (standards of proficiency for physiotherapists 2013 and standards of conduct, performance and ethics 2012). To avoid confusion the most recent versions are shown.

Standards of conduct, performance and ethics (1 September 2024)

  • 9.1 You must make sure that your conduct justifies the public’s trust and confidence in you and your profession.
  • 9.5 You must tell us as soon as possible if:
    - you accept a caution from the police or you have been charged with, or found guilty of, a criminal offence;
    - another organisation responsible for regulating a health or social-care profession has taken action or made a finding against you; or
    - you have had any restriction placed on your practice, or been suspended or dismissed by an employer, because of concerns about your conduct or competence.

Standards of proficiency for physiotherapists (1 September 2023)

  • 3. look after their health and wellbeing, seeking appropriate support where necessary
  • 2.1 maintain high standards of personal and professional conduct
  • 3.2 understand the importance of their own mental and physical health and wellbeing strategies in maintaining fitness to practise

Case study

The NHS Counter Fraud Unit of the local NHS Trust raised concerns about a physiotherapist. On numerous occasions, the registrant submitted timesheets and claimed payments for hours they did not work. They also submitted timesheets purporting to be signed by a colleague when they had not been, and claimed travel expenses to which they were not entitled and after they were no longer employed.

A Conduct and Competence Committee Panel considered the allegation against the registrant, who did not attend the hearing. Having found most of the facts proved, the Panel determined that the registrant’s actions were dishonest and that they would have known they were. The Panel decided that such behaviour fell far below the standards expected of a registrant and amounted to misconduct.

Although this allegation did not concern issues of public protection, the Panel decided that a finding of impairment was necessary. It was necessary to uphold and maintain proper standards, and maintain confidence in the profession. As the registrant did not engage with the process, the Panel had no evidence of remorse or insight. The Panel considered that there were no mitigating factors in this case. The Panel agreed that any lesser sanction than a striking-off order would not meet the wider public interest. The Panel thought that any lesser sanction would not act as a deterrent to other registrants. It would, also, not uphold the reputation of the profession and maintain public confidence in the regulatory process.

Measures we put in place to protect the public

The Conduct and Competence Committee imposed a striking-off order.


Learning material
Case study
Cofrestredig, Employers
Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 31/08/2024