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Welsh language standards

How we deliver services to Welsh speaking members of the public

We adopt a “principle of equality” in the conduct of public business in Wales, meaning we will treat English and Welsh languages equally. 

Since 2011, we have implemented a Welsh language Scheme which places obligations on us to treat the two languages equally and offer a range of services in both English and Welsh to our stakeholders.

In 2022 the Welsh Language Commissioner introduced new Welsh Language Standards for health profession regulators via the Welsh Language Standards (No.8) Regulations 2022. These standards replace our Welsh Language Scheme.

You can find out more information about the work of the Welsh Language Commissioner and the standards here.

The standards are a legally binding set of requirements designed to promote and facilitate the Welsh language, and ensure that the Welsh language is not treated less favourably than the English language in Wales.  

The standards are split into five categories: 

Want to know more? You can read all of the standards that apply to us below.

For more information about how to access our services in Welsh, please contact the relevant department.


Welsh Language Annual Monitoring

We report annually on our progress to the Welsh Language Commissioner. You can download the latest report below.


Welsh language on our website

We are committed to continuing to improve our Welsh language capabilities online. We therefore offer a Welsh language site, which offers translated content where available in the style and format of the English site.

Report, Policy
Page updated on: 01/10/2024